I don’t have any brilliant stuff today, but other people do!

Diana’s talking about sales vs. careers and why synopsis and proposals matter after you sell. (They do. Oh, they do.) Don’t miss the incredibly useful link to synopsis building. And you can participate in her poll.

Wil Wheaton is having a battle of the blogs. Nerds will triumph, I’m confident.

Shelley’s got more installments of Publishing Survivor. It starts here and then moves over here.

PBW talks about the new e-venture Baen’s offering, pros and cons.

Edited to add: Forgot to mention, there’s a rousing discussion of EC authors vs. Anonymous on Jaynie’s blog. While I fully understand that there are always two sides to every story, the EC authors are rather unanimous which I think speaks very clearly. In my own experience, EC is professional, courteous, prompt, reliable, works hard to promote their books and their brand, and has a wonderful policy of not tampering with voice. If you write for EC, expect to work your butt off. But you will get to tell YOUR stories your way and be paid well for it. Seems reasonable to me. As with any self-employment path your success is largely up to you and the amount of effort you’re willing to put forth, but the opportunity is there.

And me, I’m shoving these #&*!@ Vikings out the door. They must go. It’s overcrowded in here with the aliens and werewolves and the psychic painter.