I wrote a nice blog entry and WordPress ate it. That’s it. I’m going to start writing my blogs in Word and then pasting them into WordPress. Other than that, I’m working away at The Book. And drinking decaf. And spending lots of time chopping vegetables and making salady things. I have to say, I can’t believe how much better I feel without caffeine or carbs. I resisted making this change because I didn’t want to feel like crap, I didn’t want to be even more tired, and I didn’t want to eat boring food. Well, I shouldn’t have worried.

I’ve also been working on my mental diet. Recently I’ve cut the time spent online and spent more time reading books. That’s a good change, too. It was easy to start surfing the net while feeding the baby, but it’s equally easy to plop open a book and better for my head. Reading is like training wheels for writing. It gets your brain rolling in the right direction and then you get your balance and off you go without support.

I realized I miss painting, too. I haven’t done a painting since Alex was born. I’ve started a list of things I want in our next residence and a space to paint is one of them. Someplace where all the art supplies can be kept out of reach of children but easily available for adults who want to take an art break. I’m not fabulous, but it’s fun to do and it’s a good way to be creative when my mind needs to be quiet and rest from words. I go through “quiet” stages between projects and I realized that too much ‘net was creating too much mental noise. Better for my writing to read a book, paint a picture. (Did you think I was going to say do the housework? Please!)


It’s spring! We’ve had trees in bloom and the first flowers for about a month here, but now the sun has caught up with us. Nice to have sunshine in the morning. Here’s a nice article about the spring equinox, complete with some nifty ideas for celebrating spring in your garden and even making your own easter egg dyes. And Monica Jackson is over at RTB calling for romance novels for plus size women.

For those looking for books that offer love in larger sizes, EC has a Rubenesque category, and Ann Vremont spreads the news about novels that feature lovin’ large in The Reluctant Nude.

My surreal story

by way of PBW. I couldn’t resist. (You can make your own here!)

The silken hand by Geoffrey & Charlene

One day there was a purple door. The purple door was quite content to live in a pencil and eat dragons.

Suddenly, there was a lovely knocking sound coming from the dragon. The door jumped in fright. It decided to fly to the tree, and got there just in time to see a silken hand standing there! The hand waved a brilliant unicorn and the door turned into a sleepy cup. One quite unable to sleep!

The hand shimmered and disappeared, leaving a few curtains in its place. The cup picked up the curtains and popped one into her mouth. The gift of speech befell the cup, who exclaimed,

“What a contemplative day! I think I shall pick socks!”

Off went the sleepy cup, excessively running and skipping, finally tripping on a furry pillow and toppling headlong into a purple paper. Needless to say, it succumbed to a sparkly death.

The moral of this story?

If you are thinking of becoming a door, never open a tree until you are sure there is no silken hand lying in wait.

Above all, live enthusiastically. The socks you eat may be your last!

OK, so maybe Dorothea Brande was onto something

I love “Becoming a Writer”. It’s taught me all sorts of things, solved many writing problems, kept me productive. But there was one point I just couldn’t agree on. Dorothea Brande believed that caffeine was bad for writing.

Well, turns out she may be onto something. I do timed writing every day (if I have ten minutes, I set the timer and write nonstop) and this morning I saw an increase of 10 words per minute. Might sound small but 10 words per minute really adds up.

So. Decaf=more writing. Odd that I resisted giving up coffee because I was afraid it would hurt my productivity and it seems to have the opposite effect.

Public service announcement

The author has kicked the bean to the curb. That’s right. No caffeine. Cold turkey. What will this mean? No idea, but you’ve been warned. This is officially a caffeine junky withdrawal zone.

And I had spinach for breakfast, too.