I’ve been messing around with my links again, and I added one to a Kiwi friend of mine who is a Bookcrosser. In fact, she was one of the first to buy the original Lulu print edition of Yule Be Mine and send it around the world via Bookcrossing. Bookcrossing, if you’ve never heard of it, is sort of like a worldwide collaborative library. Very neat thing. Anyway, you can visit FutureCat’s diary and Bookcrossing page via the blog link to see books that have legs. You might even discover some new reading material in the process.

Also, Stephanie Tyler’s blog is under Jake’s name because he insisted. Steph really needs to do something about Jake.

DOH! Edited to add if you want market news, get thee to Jordan’s. She’s got scoop on everybody. I want to highlight the Regency line which is launching under Cerridwen Press. Regency writers, there is a home for you! I’m very excited about the Blaze news, too.