Free reads

I’ve been thinking about what to put up on my site as a free read. I want to do something but haven’t settled on a project. I visited Kelly Armstrong’s site this weekend and downloaded her free Otherworld stories. (She has them in ereader format, woot!) I’ve really enjoyed free reads I’ve found on other author sites and they’ve led me to buy books, so it’s not like I can’t see the value of offering one here. The trouble is what to write? And when? Because I have some obligations I have to focus on first.

I think what I do for a free read may depend on what happens with a project I’ve been working on. It’s a great setup for short adventures and I’d be able to do more than one story around it. But more on that later. In the meantime, you should go read Kelly Armstrong’s Otherworld novellas and short stories that supplement the series! They are terrific.

Romancing the column

So I looked at my calendar and saw that my next RTB column is due, um, today. It posts on Tuesday. Normally I do this pretty well in advance and then it’s just a matter of posting it with the time-stamp preset whenever. But no brilliant ideas for a column have hit me since the last one and now I’m looking around going Hmmmm. What can I say this time?

There’s the whole erotic romance is porn shtick, but really. Yawn. How many times can the same old argument go on and retain any entertainment value?

There’s the recent author/reader flameouts but I think the less said about that the better.

Karen T. talks about whether or not there really are hordes of virgin heroines in romance these days as reader complaints seem to indicate, but I can’t get fired up about that one, either. Out of 11 romances so far, 2 of mine have virgin heroines. Not a majority by any means. I won’t say positively that I’ll never write another virgin heroine, but given the percentage of virgins in the age range I tend to write about (20s-30s), an abundance of intact hymens would seem unrealistic. I’m not reading a huge percentage of virgin heroines from other authors, either.

The most thougtful and inspiring blog post I’ve read recently isn’t on the topic of romance at all. It’s written by my agent Deidre Knight, who is also an author, and if you want a shot of inspiration, go read it here.

So I’m looking for romance fodder for my column and coming up dry. Maybe I’ll talk about YA romance, that’d be a change.

Books make the best toys…

FreyString TheoryOur two little readers. You get cute baby pictures today because the grandparents are visiting and I’m going to be slacking on the blog. We may even go take in the Viking festival this weekend. Because I do need to write more Vikings and it might be inspirational…