Off to Sol Duc and problem solved

Hiking to Sol Duc Falls today and maybe a bit further. The husband is pulling out the topographical maps to figure out our route. It’s not about distance in hiking, it’s what you have to go over, what kind of terrain. A 3 mile hike can be incredibly strenuous or a total cake walk.

I finally figured out what was bugging me about Night Rhythm and fixed it yesterday, so hurrah. I didn’t like the opening but couldn’t put my finger on why. I like it now! Problem solved. In writing like hiking, it’s not all about length. This is a short piece but complex. Looking forward to my double Halloween release and setting the vamps loose! 🙂

AAR poll!

All About Romance is giving people the chance to vote for their top ten (all time) books in the following three categories:

Top Ten: Mainstream Sexy Titles, “Romantica” Titles, & E-Book Titles polling ends at midnight, October 29th
We are conducting the following Top Ten polls over the next year, and through October 29th are polling for Mainstream Sexy Titles, Erotic Romance Titles, and E-Books. We will not accept titles of mainstream print-published books that are also available in e-book format (ie, the e-book version of Sabrina Jeffries’ After the Seduction), but we will accept e-books from “small” publishers that may also be published in print format, such as those from Ellora’s Cave.
Each of the three categories is separate. Ebook titles don’t have to be erotic romance, they can be any ebook. Voting is until October 29th. Go support your favorite authors and publishers and vote for your favorite print and ebook titles!

Wild Wild Joy

Wild Wild West revisions are approved! Wooofreakinghoo! I didn’t realize how much this was on my mind until I got the email from my SMP editor and felt the huge weight lift off and the relief rush in. Yippee-ki-yi-ay! Once copyedits are done and there’s a cover, it’ll be a Real Book. I always love when something reaches the all finished stage. It’s such a process from beginning to end, not just the writing but the sale and production. So there’s a great sense of accomplishment when another milestone passes.

In other news, it’s Friday and we are trying to decide what trail to assault this weekend. We’ve been doing short daily hikes around the Calawah river, but on weekends we can take more time. We may do a Sol Duc trail. And I am surging forward on the writing front, too.


Here are some of my favorite quotes for writer inspiration:

“If you’re blocked, lower your sights.”
“It’s only a book.”
Lawrence Block

“Keep the drama on the page.”
Julia Cameron

“The opposite of sin can only be faith and never virtue.”
H.A. Williams

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
T.S. Eliot

“A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition.” – Napoleon Hill

Books books everywhere and not a page to read

I actually have a To Be Read pile right now. Unheard of since I tend to devour any book I get the instant I get it. But I have more books than I’ve had time to read right now, and yet new books come that I must have. Like Shannon Stacey’s Interstellar Sparks releasing later today.

My TBR pile:

Parallel Heat, Deidre Knight. Dance of the Gods, Nora Robers. Jinxed, Beth Ciotta. Captive Moon, Clamp/Adams. Dark Dreamers, Feehan/Liu. Dead Witch Walking, Kim Harrison. Until The Kight comes, Sue-Ellen Welfonder. Marriage Most Scandalous, Johanna Lindsey.

I have a few ebooks waiting to be read, too. Lyn Cash’ Red Hot Lover, Six Feet Under by Mackenzie McKade. I think I’ve read all the rest. I tend to read ebooks faster because I can read while tending the baby more easily than a paper book.

What are you all reading?