Just a little catchup on what I’ve read lately. I bought the Santa Baby anthology for Hot Toy, Jennifer Crusie’s novella. I’d read the Lori Foster novella (and own it in another anthology) so it was really all about Hot Toy. Which I enjoyed thoroughly. Fun and action-packed and the hero did come through with the hot toy in the end, so he really was a hero. (Er, that was a spoiler, sorry.)

Valley of Silence; excellent ending to the trilogy that starts with Morrigan’s Cross. Nora Roberts will still be going strong when she writes her 500th book, I do believe. I really liked how this ended and I’m afraid to say more because it’s all spoiler territory, but just go read it. I will say that reading this by candlelight in the middle of a massive storm and power outage really amplifies the creepy valley atmosphere.
I have ebooks on my must-read list but I’m still reading a lot of the PBW ebook challenge contributions. That’s gonna keep me busy for a while.

I’ve also been re-reading my own stuff. I can’t be the only author who does that, can I? But sometimes I want to laugh with Dylan and Lou, or lust over having a Hal of my own, or survive the holidays with Luke and Jordan, or visit the medieval age with Rorik, the Viking age with Erik and Lorelei, return to a small town in New England in Catalyst, or discover true magic with Lucy, experience love from a past life with Valentine or…yeah, it goes on and on.

Maybe I should have a Thanksgiving backlist giveaway. Because I’m thankful to have 15 sales in two years with so many more stories to come.