Our area lost internet this morning. There was much weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, cast into outer darkness without even dial-up. OK, maybe it wasn’t that bad but when you’re remote and you rely on the connection with the rest of the world, it is disconcerting! It’s good to be back online.

I’m doing the Fast Draft class, for which I can blame, I mean thank, Jordan, and it’s great to have that impetus to get back into gear. I needed to hit the new year running! I love the “no excuses” philosophy. Although as I’ve discovered this winter, hurricanes and floods and extended power outages really can stop you and there’s not much you can do about it. But barring bizarre circumstances like that, the commitment to use the time you have adds up in a big way. I’ve done 10 pages this morning, while doing laundry, cooking, dishes, and tending two small people. 5 minutes here, fifteen there, naptime, it adds up. Write on!