I’ve gone Wicked and Fast Drafting

Announcing the launch of Wicked Writers! Wicked Writers is the collective loop of novelists Cathryn Fox, Charlene Teglia, Mackenzie McKade, Shelley Bradley/Shayla Black, and Sylvia Day. Please join us as we join forces to have wickedly good fun.

I share anthologies with Mackenzie (Beginnings, Samhain Nov. 06) and Cathryn (Ellora’s Cavemen Seasons of Seduction III) and am delighted to be part of Wicked Writers with these wildly talented women.

Got the nod on two of my “I have chills” ideas and there will be much Fast Drafting in March on the first project, because I think the best way for me to work is to just write the book and then write the detailed outline. I am lousy at outlining first in any form beyond bare bones overview. I am so grateful for Fast Draft, I’m not intimidated at the thought of pounding it out and then seeing what I have. This method so works for me.

Meantime, I’m currently Fast Drafting with Jaci. She’s ahead since I spent a few days on synopsis/pitch writing. Must catch up.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Great day to celebrate love! There are two free reads on my site for those searching for a little inspiration from Cupid or Eros if you prefer that name, and Valentine’s Day is always an appropriate time to give the gift of a romance novel. No, really. That’s what I wanted for Valentine’s Day. 8)

Valentine heart

Ohhh, I’m on fire…

Springsteen on my brain this morning. Made a pitch and a visual aid to go with it yesterday. The visual aid is in front of me and oh, I love looking at it. I love this idea. I got chills writing it down. That isn’t a normal experience, btw, usually I come up with something and giggle, and “think that’d be fun”, but this…chills.

Since I can’t think about anything else, maybe I’ll work on it a tiny bit.

The Sicilian’s Marriage Arrangement

I loved this book. It’s everything that’s best about Harlequin Presents; an irresistable Alpha hero, a heroine who thinks she’s out of her depth but really has a power she’s never recognized, burning passion, smoldering sensuality, heartache and happily ever after. All romance and nothing but romance. Wonderful book, wonderful journey into love with all its confusion and messiness, throwing lives into disorder and then finally new order. When romance is done right, nothing can top it. Lucy Monroe does it right. If you haven’t read it yet, make The Sicilian’s Marriage Arrangement your Valentine’s present to yourself.

I love Lucy, Lemon and Lancelot

So for my post-bookfest, I got lemon cake mix and cream cheese frosting, which became lemon cupcakes, frosted with sprinkles. Mmm. Yes, the small people are celebrating right along with me.

I picked up The Sicilian’s Marriage Arrangement by Lucy Monroe and whined to the store clerk about the lack of Blaze and she told me who does the buying so I know who to target with my “stock Blaze” campaign now. I am thrilled to have some Harlequin Presents goodness, though. Lucy Monroe, Kate Walker, Jane Porter, these are authors I just can’t pass up.

Then we rented King Arthur and I sighed over Lancelot and then got enraged when he died at the end. WTF? And then Arthur marries Guinevere and they live happily ever after without that whole difficult love triangle thing messing up their Camelot? Wow, there’s a lesson for writers everywhere. If it’s getting emotionally messy, kill off the character who’s making all the trouble. Bah. In my version, Lancelot lives and Guinevere is all “you saved me, my hero kiss kiss” and Arthur is all “you were with ME last night” and much melodrama and jealousy and forbidden passion ensues.

Lancelot. He was the best part of King Arthur, although the rest of the knights were right behind him, and Guinevere was pretty cool, too.