Friday good news

Samhain has received official RWA publisher recognition status. Hooray! Why is this a good thing? Well, for one thing, I can enter Miss Lonely Hearts in the RITA. But it’s good for the company and for its authors in multiple ways, really. Romance novels become eligible for the Rita, which is truly no small thing. Authors are eligible for PAN and a level of information within RWA that is pretty helpful for a publishing pro and other things like the RWA literacy signing. It’s a big step and a huge accomplishment in such a short time!

More good news: the stray who showed up in our yard a week ago has been lured in and taken to the vet and checked over and is now adjusting to life indoors with a family. Now named Trey for his three-legged walk (dislocated shoulder) Trey is a happy and affectionate kitty and settling in well.

Trey Teglia

What’s your good news?

Thirteen great things about spring

Rhododendrens in bloom

The first crocuses and daffodils


Trees leafing out

Buds on bushes

Can leave windows open if it’s warm in the afternoon

Less rain so more opportunities to play outside

Birds return

Closer to summer movie releases

Cadbury eggs appear

Good excuse to dress little girls in ruffly dresses

Extended northern daylight helps me stay awake later

Olympic National Park re-opens! (Some parts stay open year round but others close for the winter season)

RTB day and free will astrology

I’m over at RTB today talking about Pros and Cons (conventions).

To follow up yesterday’s post, here’s Rob Brezny’s Free Will Astrology for the week:
“Lord, grant that I may always desire more
than I can accomplish,” prayed Michelangelo. He exulted in the feeling of
having too much to express. He thrived on the stimulus of his delicious
frustration, and used the inspiring sting of his nagging inadequacy as a
fuel for his boundless creativity. Are you willing to experiment with this
approach, Gemini? Do you have the nerve to love what’s imperfect about
your life? Are you brave enough to laugh at the probability that your
yearning will never be completely fulfilled?

Ha. I love Brezny!