Only Human is Joyfully Reviewed

From reviewer Jo:

Only Human is a darkly delicious story that centers around a really stormy winter’s night. Elaine only wants to escape the “gift” she has hated most of her life, and has gone to health threatening lengths to do so. Damon embraces his gift and uses it to his advantage in his work. One long night of sex, explanations and understanding leads Elaine and Damon to a love that many do not find. Elaine was so emotionally fragile when she met Damon and he was so loving and gentle with her until she understood that gifts are not good or bad – they just are. Damon captured my heart with his understanding of Elaine and her concerns. Elaine showed me that love could truly heal all wounds. I couldn’t read fast enough and closed the book with a sigh. If you have been following the Torrid Tarot series, than Only Human is a must read and if you haven’t been, then I would suggest that you begin the series with Ms. Teglia’s story of The Star card.”

Thank you, Joyfully Reviewed! Full review here.

Evermore, Lynn Viehl (Darkyn)

I wanted to give myself a couple of days to mull over Evermore so I wouldn’t just spit out incoherent phrases ending in “pre-order! Pre-order now!” (Although you really should. Trust me, you’ll want to. Go ahead. I’ll wait.)

Evermore is the fifth installment in the Darkyn series, a dark fantasy romance epic that began with If Angels Burn. In Viehl’s world, vampirism is a disease, a medical condition that its victims ascribed to supernatural causes. Though they live in the present day, they remain very much people of the past. Their superstitions blind them as well as their centuries-old enemy to the truth about what they are. When the Darkyn absorb a contemporary doctor into their midst (If Angels Burn), the repercussions are ongoing.

What does this have to do with Evermore? I’m not sure I can say without getting into spoiler territory, but Doctor Alex Keller holds the key to one of the obstacles that have held Jayr and Byrne at arm’s length for six hundred years, always together and always apart.

This is a romance to lose yourself in. Jayr’s passion for Byrne, her unwavering dedication to him as his seneschal and her belief that no other relationship is possible between them is evident from the beginning. Byrne’s feelings for Jayr smoke on the pages while his sense of honor constrains him. The obstacles between them aren’t trivial and they aren’t waved way with a magic wand, either. I also loved the fact that when they finally come together, Viehl did not hold back. The sex scenes will blister your retinas and it’s entirely appropriate in light of how much they want each other and how long they’ve been leading up to it.

If I had to describe this book in one word it would be “passionate”. Every kind of passion, for revenge, for love, lust. Passion drives the conflict and the characters and never lets up. When January rolls around, curl up with this book and hang out your do-not-disturb sign. You won’t want to put it down until you reach the end.

Memed again

NJ tagged me. Blame her.

Total Number of Books I Own?
No clue. Seriously. None. I can’t count that high, but not counting ebooks there are 11 bookcases. After paring down. Obviously we need to pare down some more, or reinforce the floor…

Last Book I Bought:
If His Kiss Is Wicked, Jo Goodman.

Last Book I Read:
Evermore, Lynn Viehl (preorder yours now)

Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me:
1. Love and Rockets. My first standalone title in print! RT Award winner!
2. A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle, may she entertain St. Peter forever
3. The Blue Castle, LM Montgomery
4. Memory, Lois McMaster Bujold
5. Becoming a Writer, Dorothea Brande

If you haven’t done this yet and want to, consider yourself tagged.

I have Evermore!

Resisting the urge to say, “and you don’t” with a nyah nyah in there. I love the Darkyn series and this is the 2nd one I’ve had the fun of reading early. I’ve really looked forward to Jayr’s story in particular because it’s tragic forbidden love stuff. The opening poem alone will have you sniffling. In Jan. 08, of course, when it releases.

So that’s what I have to look forward to on my writing breaks. 😎 I love ARCs.