My sweaty update

So, I haven’t been officially reporting my Sven word count, but I did have goals to meet during that time frame, and it’s going to be close on one of them. (I’ve met all the others.) I have edits on Wicked Hot now and I’m going to crank through those as efficiently as I can. I also need to finish the first two chapters of the rewrite of Wicked Love so I have a solid start there. That can then go off to editor and agent.

I’d like to finish Wicked Love and Redline by the end of January. And I have another proposal I’m working on for the next book. And a novella I’d like to get off to EC. So what with one thing and another, I have my workflow planned as I head towards the new year.

I’m also planning to read more this year than I did last year. I started really making an effort to read more around June, I think, but I still didn’t read as much fiction as I wanted to. I have a TBR pile like you would not believe, and I’m making inroads on that.

Mainly in 2008 I want to get ahead, and have a better work-life balance. And with that goal in mind, today’s edits and chapter rewrites await me.

Synopsis snoopy dance

I have nailed my synopsis so I’m doing the Snoopy dance. You would think it would’ve been done already since I’ve had this story in my head for six months and I knew the plot spine, but when I went to write it down, I realized I’d overlooked a few, minor, little, tiny details. Like, who is my antagonist, what is my heroine’s external conflict, what boxes my characters in and continues to box them in, tightening the screws, as the story develops? Er. Yeah. Seems I needed to do a bit more thinking and researching.

So I read up on synopsis techniques, I did more background research, I did lots of mulling over the story and journaling about it, and I found my missing pieces. I have my ticking time bomb to add urgency and require that my characters act NOW, and I have a complete synopsis. I’m still not in love with my first two chapters, but I’ll keep working on that.

Sometimes when you know what needs to be there, it still doesn’t come out right on the page. I don’t know why that’s true, but it is. Anyway, it’s taking shape and getting there, and now that I’ve got the story sketched out in synopsis form it should get there pretty fast. At a chapter a day, I’d like to finish in January. But first, these two chapters must be right.

Poetry Monday: Sonnet for Fraidy Cat

We have a cat named Trey who is yellow
it isn’t just his coloring I mean
He’s a very nervous, fearful fellow
And if we don’t leave lights on he will keen
At night he likes to hide beneath the bed
Or he might venture out to find his food
With furry heart all full of nighttime dread
But hunger lends some courage to his mood
Of any cat’s purr his is the loudest
His rumble is his most endearing trait
Of any tail his is kinked the proudest
And any handy lap he’ll infiltrate
His head may be a fraidy cat muddle
But he’s always ready for a cuddle.

More Monday poetry here.

weekend blogging

My brain is all wrapped up in stories and doesn’t seem very interested in blogging. My head is full of stakes and antagonists and goals and motivations and conflicts. This makes me absolutely fascinating company; my husband keeps mentioning the thousand mile stare and how I didn’t hear a word he said for the last ten minutes.

But if I can get all the mental chaos organized, I can produce a coherent synopsis and find the real first chapter of this book. Which I can then send off to my agent in hopes of ensuring ongoing employment, always a nice thing. Meanwhile there’s other stuff like laundry and cooking and so on that doesn’t magically go away just because it’s the weekend.

So that’s life over here. Happy weekend!