Behind the scenes

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes over here with current and future projects. I have noticed this theme of things with wings cropping up. There will be wings in the next St. Martins’ book, which is Wolf’s Touch. Or at least that’s the title for now. Titles are always subject to change. There are wings in my YA project. I like the imagery of them. Wings are evocative.

I’m getting a novella out the door this week so if I don’t say much other than “why am I out of coffee?” you’ll know why. I’m writing and thinking about things with wings.

Researching and writing

I’m researching one book (okay, multiple books) and writing a novella, which is interesting. Two very different stages of projects, but that’s part of the work flow. Different projects are always at different stages. It’s a happy thing which means employment. Also awaiting edits on another project and gearing up to promote July releases, so I’m in pretty much every stage right now. Wheee. Anyway, research is always fun. You never know what you’ll dig up, what accidental thing will lead to the connection you needed to tie something together, the fact discovered that deepens a character or plot arc. I like this stage. I also like completion, finishing the story, sending it off, so I’m happily immersed in those two activities this week.

In other news, I weeded yesterday and I’m sorry today. Ow. Maybe it’s time to get one of those gardener’s stools and spare myself the muscle strain from getting into weird positions. If anybody out there gardens, do you use one? Is there a brand you like?

Monday roundup

I am a busy bee right now, but hopefully it’ll pay off in the future in the form of a. time for a vacation and b. no deadlines over the holidays! Yeah, I know I say this every year, but a girl can dream.

Writing is cracking along, I’m getting things out the door, and I’m poking at my setting for SMP #5. I need a different setting from the one I’d originally envisioned and I can’t quite decide what’s right. Once I have that nailed, it should flow. Setting is always kind of a crucial factor for me, things that are possible and natural in one place don’t translate to another.

I thought I’d follow up on the 12 Second Sequence, since I mentioned I’ve been doing that. I love the convenience. It’s easy to work into your schedule at half an hour twice a week. You can do it at home with minimum equipment investment (dumbbells and a swiss ball). And it’s very effective. I knew I needed to do more than walking and hiking because I was having back pain and other issues when sitting at the computer for long writing sessions. The muscles build up fast with this workout, and I am writing pain free, if you don’t count the post-workout pain which doesn’t last. Highly recommended!

Also, in case you have not seen this notice posted around the web, there is an auction to benefit Jo Leigh in her time of need. I’m contributing, and if you can help in any way, please do!