Your Scandalous Ways/Personal Demon

In the spirit of not depriving myself of reading while writing, I devoured Personal Demon and Your Scandalous Ways. Loved both.

Your Scandalous Ways: I really wondered how she’d pull this off without making the heroine a victim. She did it brilliantly, and this is why I buy everything Loretta Chase writes the instant it is for sale. The plot and setting were fantastic, the chemistry between the hero and heroine sizzling, and the dialog made me laugh and laugh. Only four months to drum fingers impatiently until Don’t Tempt Me releases.

Personal Demon continues the story of Karl the lone wolf and Hope the half-demon, with lots of twists and surprises. Including one for Lucas and Paige that sets up interesting future events. Now to pounce on Living with the Dead.

Yes, I’ve had these a while. Why not read already? I was writing this book, see. Trying very hard to write without depriving myself of everything now. So far, productivity is going up and I got up on Day 2 of Write On sprint ready to go.

my inner cheetah, care and feeding of

So the Write Ons are doing a big sprint for the next two weeks. To prepare for this, I did the 12 second sequence workout, drank 2 big glasses of water, read a Kelley Armstrong book I’ve been hoarding, and have goals set with my projects open and ready. Because you can’t be a cheetah without preparation.

The mistake I usually make is to think “oh, while doing this project I can put off reading/working out/live on caffeine” because it’s just until X is finished. Right? Except I’ve been doing this since I sold in 2004, and I’m never finished. It’s a way of life, so it needs to be a sane and sustainable way of life.

This means care and feeding of the cheetah can’t be put off “just until this is done”. Take care of the cheetah every day or don’t be surprised when it can’t run. So during this Write On session, I will not put off reading, working out, or doing other things that keep me ready to run. I bet I’m way more productive, too. We’ll find out.

I am cheetah, watch me run

Maybe not the same ring to it as "I am woman, hear me roar" but the cheetah doesn’t care. Dinner is in sight. Pounce!

Yes, I have been reading PBW’s Way of the Cheetah, and while it confirmed many things I do right, it also reminded me of a couple of others I’ve been slacking on (like exercise, sigh) and gave me some new tools to work with. I suspect at least one of them is going to seriously boost my productivity. And I see many areas for improvement.

I don’t think I’ll ever produce like she does (she makes Nora Roberts look comatose) but I can already see ways to improve my efficiency and thus speed. If you want to raise your cheetah quotient, I highly recommend this book.

Now I must run down this proposal. My opening chapter starts in the wrong place, so I’m taking one of her pieces of advice, tossing it out, and starting over. Sometimes that really is easier than trying to fix what’s broken.


claimed by the wolf cover bw


I found this by googling, which means you can too, which means even though I have no idea if this is the final cover image, I’m not violating any publishing secrets by putting this here. It’s grayscale, so it’s possible I’ll be standing next to PBW in the pink tee shirt club when its true color is revealed. But if the final version is anything like this, I’ll be thrilled. Srsly. The tattoo is Inanna’s Star.

Happy Valentine’s Day and books to win

Happy Valentine’s Day. I have lovely Valentines from my kids and they made some for Grandma, too. This is (what else?) a working weekend at the house of Teglia, but we got to sneak off to have lunch and a movie together last weekend when it wasn’t hectic, and that works for us. Maybe later today there will be cupcakes or cookies baked.

If you’d like to win some romantic reading, head over to Amie Stuart’s blog to win books by myself, Karen Erickson and Amie.