Refilling the well

Off refilling the well! There’s nothing like refilling the stock of sensory details to energize writing. And life. Kind of important to have an energized life. I’m surrounding myself with sights, sounds, textures, and generally refueling.

coast trip 022

Deep thoughts on deep thoughts

Lately I’ve had a definite lack of deep thoughts, due to all my brain cells going into book and end of school year stuff. Two school days left! Hurrah!

But current deep thought is that while blogs are a good forum for expansion on a topic, Twitter is good for the “what I’m doing” update type of thing, which doesn’t make the most exciting blog fodder. And if I have no deep thoughts to expand on, at least anybody who wants to know what I’m up to can find out.

I’ve been getting a lot of work out the door and more to follow. I’ve also revisited some excellent books that I’ve mentioned here before. Dorothea Brande’s Becoming A Writer is full of good stuff on good writing habits and getting both sides of the brain to work together. I’m retraining my two sides, since one had taken over to the detriment of the other. I used my novella project as experimental material for left/right brain cooperation and am very happy with the results.

Also reread Seven Steps on the Writer’s Path, which is always valuable because if nothing else it reminds me to ask myself, “Where do I want my writer’s path to take me now? Will this action take me in that direction?” For non-writers, substitute career path or life path. It puts things into amazing perspective.