This week I am knee-deep in Adventure Lover, after wrapping up a. special ops tale and b. Undercover Lover last week. How do I switch to the next project?

First, I read over my synopsis and first chapters again. It read better than I expected, which was a nice surprise. I re-familiarized myself with the characters, setting and conflict, and made some notes on things to make sure I include in Act One. And also a note to make sure I do not turn the thing into a travelogue. (The story is set on the Olympic Peninsula, on trails I have hiked. Readers do not need an Olympic hiking trail guide, as several already exist and as that is not the purpose of this piece of writing.)

Second, build the story playlist. I don’t have one for this yet, so I’ll be listening for music that captures the feel of the story and helps me hook into it.

Third, sit down with the file open and write. It’s amazing how many words you can get if you just keep the file open and keep coming back to it throughout the day.