Sunday To Do list and woot

First the woot; over here on Barbara Vey’s Publisher’s Weekly blog, that book underneath NYT bestseller Christine Feehan’s? Yes, that’s Trick or Treat. *Snoopy dance*

Also, Redline Lover’s up to #7 on the MBAM bestsller list. And Claimed by the Wolf is staying in the horror/erotic top 100 on Amazon, despite not releasing until Dec. Thank you for pre-ordering!

And now, the update on the To Do list:

Adventure Lover, awaiting edits

Bride of Fire, awaiting edits

Dangerous Lover, in process

Red Queen, in process

Wolf In Boots (Mammoth Book of Hot Romance) researched and plotted, opening done.

Everything will be turned in by the end of this year (and probably edited, too, or close to it) and then it will be time to write some new proposals so I can keep adding to the To Do list. I should also hear back on proposals that are out  by the time I wrap these up.


NaNo tips from Getting Things Done

I’ve been leafing through Getting Things Done, and if you get nothing else from the book, one point alone is worth reading for; that to get things done, you have to identify the next action. And then do it.

If you get stuck in writing, ask yourself what’s the next action. What scene logically comes next? Write that. Or maybe you really do have to go look up some facts because a lack of knowledge is holding you back. Go look up those facts. Then write. (Yes, lack of knowledge can lead to stuckdom, and with the internet at your fingertips, it’s pretty easy to resolve that one.) Maybe you’re not sure why your character is in the scene; identify the reason. Then write. If you’re stuck on writing, determine what action needs to be done in order to go forward.

New sale; Mammoth Book of Hot Romance!

It’s now official so I can crow: I’ll be in the upcoming Mammoth Book of Hot Romance! Not sure when it’ll be out, late 2010 or early 2011 is my guess. I’ll update the book list page when I get those details.

I’m very excited about this project, and I have just the story for it. Wolf in Boots is a werewolf adventure from the same world as Wolf In Cheap Clothing (Trick or Treat, Pocket) and Wolf in Shining Armor (Naughty Nights, Pocket). Oh, and it was a Scarlet Boa finalist.

Very glad to have a home for this story. Hooray! (If you’re wondering why not the same world as Animal Attraction or Claimed by the Wolf, it’s because those worlds are polyamorous and there’s no way I can fit a relationship that complex into 7,500 words.)

Every book is new

“We can never really be prepared for that which is wholly new. We have to adjust ourselves, and every radical adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem: we undergo a test, we have to prove ourselves. It needs inordinate self-confidence to face drastic change without inner trembling.”-Eric Hoffer

If writing your book induces trembling, it’s normal. First book or twentieth, every one is new, and every one brings its own test.