Merry Christmas Eve

Holiday M&M Thumbprints

Merry Christmas Eve! If you’re traveling, be safe. If you’re staying home, enjoy a peaceful and joyous Noel.

And yes, the site’s had a makeover. Since I’m mainly writing urban fantasy/paranormal romance now, I think the look suits the tone and some practical issues have been addressed, like the difficulty of reading text on a dark background and in a 3-column layout. Let me know what you think!


Charlene Teglia photo - all your base
Charlene Teglia made her first novel sale in 2004. Since then her books have garnered several honors, including 2005 Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Erotic Novel, 2006 Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice nominee for Best Erotic Romance, 2005 and 2007 CAPA nominations for Best Erotic Anthology, and Romantic Times Top Pick. She’s a current Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice nominee for Best Erotic Paranormal Romance. Her work has been translated into Spanish and German, excerpted in Complete Woman, and selected by the Rhapsody, Doubleday and Literary Guild Bookclubs. When she’s not writing, she can be found hiking with her family or opening and closing doors for cats.


I turned in two sets of revisions yesterday so you’d think I’d be suicidal about now, but I’m so happy. I love everything I’m working on now, and have lined up to deliver next year. I’m so excited about the stories I have at Samhain and the upcoming Carina Press launch and participating in Mammoth books. I have more projects ready to roll that I get to play with after I finish the current round of contracted work.

Yes, I did put eggnog in my morning coffee, what’s your point?

Work is a tremendous blessing. We’re not put here to stand around and suck up oxygen, we’re here to do something, to contribute, to be ourselves as well and truly and fully as we can. Telling stories is what I do. I hope they are fun and entertaining and also contain a theme people can take away when it’s over that might in some small way brighten a day.

I’m happy to be working. I hope that in the coming year I’m more energetic and more brave, more capable of the work ahead.

Gingerbreadmen and revisions

Finishing revisions today, so help me God. And getting the chilled dough rolled and cut and baked into gingerbreadmen. I think gingerbreadmen will be more fun. Although I realized another reason why revisions are often so hard; it’s like in my head I think I don’t get another shot. But I do. I get another round to fix whatever isn’t quite right on this one, and then the CE and a final proof after that.

I’m not saying it’s fine to be sloppy, but if I really can’t come up with, say, a better final line right now, then the one it has is good enough and I’ll have three more opportunities to change it.

Perfectionism is not your friend. It brings work to a standstill. And sometimes, the imperfections are what make it art. Human. Not a perfect cookie-cutter replica that anybody could make.

See, cookies and books are related.