I’m shoving a bunch of stuff out the door today; a final proof of one project that will appear in my inbox any moment, I’m sure. Final edits where we make sure all the commas are in the right places for another project. Finishing off another project, which I must then fluff and polish and prettify.

It’s good to be busy, and it’s also good to be busy doing something I enjoy. My 4 yr old wanted to play with me this morning, and when I told her what I was doing, she said, “But isn’t that boring?” “No,” I said. “No, actually, I think it’s fun. It’s what I like to do.” She gave me the patented Grownups Are Insane look, but really I think half the battle in adult life is just finding a way to do what you like to do and are good at. And it’s much easier to whack through your to do list when it’s a want-to-do list.