Five Monday things

1. I may be spending this week under a cat and two kids, all asking when dad will be home. To which the answer will be “mmmph” or possibly “aaaggghh”.

2. I’ve realized I’m still angry about some book things and I need to find ways to channel that into the current work. Emotion should always be put to work, it’s good for it. Good for the work, too.

3. I currently have a mobile blueberry hedge, due to the frost overnight and sunny days. They go out in the morning and get tucked back in at night. I should just put them in the kids’ wagon to make moving them around easier.

4. I read JA Konrath’s recent parody post about the printing industry, and while I found it entertaining, I think the issue is more complex than “one format must win the market”. While this was true for ways to play back music or movies, for instance, since nobody was going to invest in both a Betamax and a VHS machine, and CD players replaced cassette and turntable systems, I’m not sure the analogy carries over to books since print books don’t require ownership of a device. Of course, if everybody stops printing books that kind of won’t matter. And everybody does own a cell phone. Food for thought.

5. Did you know the Amish shop at Walmart? We passed two pushing carts while we were picking up some last minute items from the supercenter out here in the boonies. I wanted to ask them if they knew who we could buy fresh local milk from, but I restrained myself.

The cat’s diary

4:00 a.m. My human might be dead! I stood on her chest and put my paws on her mouth and sniffed her nose to check. She made a noise like “agghh”, so I know she’s okay. I laid down on her chest with my head on her cheek in order to be close enough to check again just in case.

6:00 a.m. My human got up! I circled her ankles while she walked to the kitchen so I could catch her in case she fell. I made a lot of noise to let her know nobody had fed me ALL NIGHT and I can’t open the cans myself. She opened one for me. I ate a few bites to be polite, and then followed her back to the bedroom. Good thing I did, because there was a SHOE-STRING sticking out from under the closet! I attacked it to protect her. It might have been a snake.

6:30 a.m. I ask to go out. My human says I have to wait until the sun is up. She has her laptop open, so I lay on it and purr. It’s warm.

7:30 a.m. Can I go out now? Can I can I can I can I? YES! The door opens! I go outside and sit on the porch and sniff everything.

8:30 a.m. I’ve been outside! My paws are cold! I need a lap! And a nap. I have a lot of work ahead of me the rest of the day. I need to keep up my strength. Shoe-strings are everywhere.

5 cool things on the internet

No, I cannot be bothered to hit the shift key today to make a proper title. That or I’m channeling my inner ee cummings. Anyway! 5 cool things on the internet:

. I love TED talks. Invest a few minutes, learn amazing things. Go ahead, visit TED and expose yourself to some ideas.

2.100 lectures from the world’s top scientists. You don’t have to pay college tuition or get permission to audit a class, you can just go to the website and pick your lecture. How cool is that?

3. OneLook’s reverse dictionary. I can’t remember how I wrote without OneLook, but the reverse dictionary? It makes my word geek heart sing.

4. Celestia‘s space navigation. Your own planetarium! 

The Museum of Online Museums
. Take a virtual tour.

Remember writing books before the internet? I do. I remember 20 research books piled around me and trying to remember which one referenced the thing I want to fact-check. I also remember having to edit on hard-copy, retype and reprint the entire manuscript. Maybe this is why it used to be considered full-time to write one book a year. Today’s tools allow us to do more, faster, more efficiently, and I say hooray.

5 Thursday things

1. I’m over at Michelle Rowen’s giving away books! Join in her 30 Days of Demons.

2. I officially put away the mittens, hats and boots of winter. Sure, there’s a chance of snow tomorrow night, but it’s going to be in the 80s today and I really think mitten season is over.

3. Blueberry bushes are sitting by the garage, waiting to be planted. So when I hit a really annoying plot point, I can go shovel.

4. I don’t know why multivitamins can’t actually contain ALL the vitamins you need to take. If you have to swallow a handful of capsules and tablets, it kind of negates the POINT of “multivitamin”, doesn’t it?

5. I’m out of coffee. Time to go make more and hit the books.

How does your garden grow?

Mine’s growing in stages. We have some established plants, including rhubarb (yum!) and kiwi. There are a couple of wild blackberry volunteers we’ll move and cultivate. Some plants will be started from seed in the ground, like herbs and greens. And more are in the office in peat starter pots; peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash, cauliflower, watermelons and cantaloupe. There’s a row of hastas I’m plotting to dig up and replace with blueberry bushes, although there probably won’t be any berries this year.

Gardens are good reminders that things take time to grow and need cultivation and the right mix of elements, but if you’re patient and put in the daily effort, you’ll have a wonderful harvest.