Woke up to thunder this morning and all sorts of weather alerts. On the west coast, the storms happen in the fall. Here, it’s spring. It’s hard to get too worked up about the flood watch when rainfall measured in inches per hour used to be normal. Still, I am wondering if I made a mistake planting out the potatoes. I hope they don’t drown.

Internet may or may not be affected by the weather, so there will be lots of working going on for internet-sensitive things and then offline work for those things not requiring connection.

Things in progress:
Art form for Kiss of the Demon. Since no matter how I fill these out I end up gnashing my teeth, I’m taking a cue from PBW and sending in a dummy cover. I’d like to carry over the look from the first book, same-but-different.

Series cheat sheet for Shadow Guardians. Because I couldn’t remember what color Abaran’s eyes were when I went to fill out the above-mentioned cover art form. Putting together all those little details in one handy reference saves me so much time on subsequent books. (When will I learn to do that while I’m writing the first book?)

Outlined project mentioned yesterday, which I would ideally like to release in between Red Queen and Kiss of the Demon but we’ll see how that goes.

And of course, the actual writing of actual books plus revision of said books. And hoping the basement stays dry and the potatoes (or, if you are a fan of How to Train Your Dragon, The-Vegetables-That-Must-Not-be-Named) don’t drown.