I kind of felt bad about the earlier post because it’s short and it’s not the kind of topic you can say much about short. So, a second Saturday post to say: the publishing industry is changing. Other industries have changed, too, and the world didn’t end. Also, HP still exists and I’m pretty sure Publishing isn’t going anywhere, either.

Really the big thing I’m waiting for is for people to stop acting like ebooks are The! End! of! Everything! and see them as maybe opportunity, and as really, just one more format/vehicle for books. Because really, people reading is good. I don’t care what format you read my books in. If print runs are declining and print book stores are reducing their stock, this is maybe the time to embrace ebooks and accept that if 50% of the book’s sales are electronic, well, maybe getting royalties on those on cover price and not net would be a good place to begin, no?

To sum up: books aren’t dead. Publishing isn’t dead. People still want to read, they just maybe want to read on their iPhones and iPads more. Ebooks can’t be ignored anymore by writers or publishers so it’s time to really pay attention to the wording of contracts, and really, when hasn’t it been time to pay attention to that?