Spammers assist in love scene terminology

Oh, spam. How inspirational you’ve become. You use phrases like “love tool” that make me howl with laughter and long to splice it into a sex scene just to see if I can get away with it. And today you grace me with this literary gem: “potence ensurer”. I must say it again to fully appreciate that phrase. Potence. Ensurer.

Hey, baby, get a load of my potence ensurer…I feel a ficlet coming on.

holy crap, it’s Wednesday!

Wasn’t it Monday yesterday? Sheesh. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in writing and kids and house and yard stuff. And plotting. And researching. And world-building. Also, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next installment of Shadow Unit. Talk about a cliffhanger for the season finale! If you haven’t been following this series, jump on it now because who knows what’ll happen when the final installment of the first season has been posted?

Anyway, there’s now a lovely screened gazebo in the backyard, I’ve caught up on weeding and knocked down all the cobwebs that built up while meeting the last deadline. I even have a meal plan for the week as opposed to, “It’s five, should we order a pizza?” It will not do to let the family get too used to this, so good thing the next deadline is ahead.

Hope everybody’s week is going well!

Indy rocks the big screen

So we left the kids playing with the grandparents yesterday and snuck off to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It’s such a fun movie. Action, adventure, a cracking whip and crystal skulls. And it was research so I wasn’t totally goofing off, ha.

Made more notes on the synopsis/proposal I’m developing. I’m having a tough time with titles and may have a title contest after the holiday ARC giveaway.

Today I need to make macaroni salad for a herd, acquire a watermelon, help the husband build a gazebo, and finish proposal A. Which is actually a multi-part thing but more on that later.

Meanwhile, what are you doing reading blogs? Go see Indy on the big screen!