Nearly done unpacking all the books. Shelving them brings back happy memories and it really is like a reunion with old friends. “Look, it’s Craig Shaw Gardner! Time to re-read Bride of the Slime Monster?” “Oh, Sharyn McCrumb, I love Bimbos of the Death Sun.”

The authors who take up the most shelf space are Lois McMaster Bujold, Laurell K. Hamilton, Robert Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett, Janet Evanovich and Jayne Ann Krentz/Quick/Castle. Others I might only have 1, 2 or a handful of titles by but they’re always worth revisiting, like Madeleine L’Engle, Susan Carroll, Nicole Jordan, Kim Stanley Robinson, Plato. (It’s an eclectic collection that runs from comic books to The Epic of Gilgamesh.)

And now thanks to Zaz, my collection just grew by one since I’m a winner in Beth’s Challenge. 8)

Packing, moving, and unpacking allll those books makes me really grateful for ebooks, though. I love our print collection, but I love the portability and space saving (and lack of dust) I get with ebooks. Not to mention we have no room for another bookcase, so we either have to keep buying ebooks, weed out more of the print books…or be buried under a mountain of tomes someday.