Still no reviews on Wolf In Shining Armor. Insert nail-biting icon here. But while I always wonder how a book is doing, really, once the edits are done there’s not much more that can be done. It’s finished, out of my hands. I gave it my best, now it’s out in the world on its own. I do my bit to promote each title, but then again there’s only so much of that you can do, too. Really, in the end its up to the story and the writing. I can only hope that lots of people are in the mood for a medieval werewolf tale.

And then get busy with the next story. Because no matter what happens with Wolf, I have more finished releases coming up and I have edits to finish off and more writing to do, giving it my best.

Also, there are these small people underfoot who need attention. Honestly, there is nothing like small people underfoot to cut down on your obsessive worrying time because there’s no time for it. 😀