Pumpkin muffins, baked. Jack-o-Lantern carved. (Toddler appeased by muffins, resigned to not eating Jack. Probably biding her time.) Halloween candy, bought. Valentine and Lisa, getting ready for the big night. Rom and Meghan, happy to have advance reviews.

Found a hidden treasure! We’ve been driving to nearby trails like the area before Rugged Ridge or around Bogachiel. Yesterday a ranger of 50 years experience tipped the husband off to a gem of a local trail and we hit it last night after dinner.

Fun! Log bridges, switchbacks, steep climbs, all sorts of challenge on a beautifully maintained trail with a trailhead five minutes away. Sweeet! There are several ways to hike, with loops, so it can provide a lot of variety in one spot. We’ll be spending lots of time there. Because sometimes you just want an hour’s hike without driving to get there.