I hope everybody is off to enjoy a lovely holiday weekend with friends and family. Here at the Teglia Household, DSL is arriving (and there was much rejoicing) and the husband has been holding off for that blessed event before doing all the site updates. Much easier than trying to do it on dial-up. So I’ll be updated for Christmas.

I’m re-reading Lawrence Block (Writing the Novel) and it’s so full of good reminders. He’s full of very practical advice that I find myself coming back to again and again. If I ever meet Lawrence Block in person I will have to thank him for all the help he’s given me.

Writing The Novel and Telling Lies For Fun and Profit are two of the books on the top of my writer’s bookshelf because they are so useful. They were useful to me 12 years ago when I set out to write my first novel and they’re still useful to me now. It says a lot that these books are helpful across so many stages of the writing journey.