Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was quiet or still like a mouse
And I with my coffee and Pat with his mug
Wanted a minute to sit and be snug
But from one bedroom there arose such a clatter
I leaped up to see just what was the matter
A crayon was missing, it couldn’t be found
So we searched for it high and down on the ground
From the other bedroom the baby cried loud
With frustration as baby shoes wouldn’t be bowed
And we said to each other, “It’s noisy, it’s true
But not so long from now it’ll be just us two.”
So on with the screeches and fusses and noise
Of two very small people and all of their joys
(They’re as quick to cry as to giggle with mirth)
When they go off to bed there’ll be peace on earth
But until then it’s Christmas Eve, everyone here
May it be just exactly the same way next year.