We took a Christmas hike on Third Beach trail, first time we’d been that way since the November flood closed the highway. So many trees down. We were able to hike down the trail a ways (clearing limbs as we went) but eventually were stopped by felled trees. Got further than we did on our local trail, also blocked by trees.

On our first drive around Lake Cresecent, the damage was even more apparent. Combine record rainfall with a series of high windstorms and the trees went down like pixie sticks. It’s no wonder we had so many power outages, we couldn’t go a foot without seeing more downed trees. It’s going to take a lot of work to clear the trails for hiking in Olympic National this spring, and even more to rebuild the road into the Hoh, which is currently missing a large chunk. I understand Mt. Rainier park is also closed until further notice due to storm damage.

It’s staggering how much damage has been done in the past two months. 06 has been a year for the weather record books and I’m grateful that 07 is predicted to start off calmer. The weather pattern is supposed to send the storms that have been pounding us to California for the rest of the winter, leaving us to recover and clean up.

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