I love Fast Draft. It’s done what I wanted it to do for me, got my momentum built up. And it’s a different rhythm then anything I’ve done before, but one that really seems to work for me so I’m going to keep using this.

I’ve tried book in a month and book in a week both. Book in a week is too overwhelming. It’s an impossible goal, so I feel like giving up before I even try. Book in a month is pretty manageable and fits my natural speed well. But I’m noticing a difference in the rhythm of Fast Draft, which is half a month. Instead of stopping at 2-3K and calling it good for the day, I push myself to go further. The results are interesting.

It’s not something you could do twice a month forever, but I think it’s useful in the project-switching life of a working writer. Because you bang out a proposal, than you have revisions for something else, galleys for another thing, promotional and business details, and all of them interrupt the flow of writing. If I can use Fast Draft to get my drafts done faster (the name is sooo appropriate) I have less interruption and don’t have to regain momentum from a dead stop.
I’ve really enjoyed the experience so far and I’ve gained another useful tool to add to my bag of tricks. Fast Draft.