Capture Me has gone back to the title drawing board, and the winner is…Satisfaction Guaranteed. I love it! I went through the book looking for recurring phrases, key words, themes, etc. I searched my thesaurus. I brainstormed and wrote all manner of title ideas, most of which I never forwarded to my editor because, um, argh. But I came up with 8 I thought were decent, 3 of which I thought were good candidates, and 1 I loved, and she agreed that Satisfaction Guaranteed is best.

Titles are tough, they really are. A good title can hook a reader. The combination of title and cover are what will prompt a browser to pick up a book and take a closer look. Title sold me on Samantha Hunter’s latest Blaze: Untouched. That title with the cover made me say, “I must know MORE!” And when I read the blurb, well, honestly I was already sold without the incredibly cool plot. The title hooked me.

So I don’t mind going back to the drawing board if a title needs work.  I know how important it is. And I’m thrilled with this change. Satisfaction Guaranteed!