So, the beauty of Mercury retrograde is that it’s supposed to be a good time to finish old projects, and I’m taking advantage of the timing. I did re-watch The Thomas Crowne Affair and took many notes, and by comparing elements I found the centerpoint of Miss Lonely Hearts. I also found the counterpoint. I realized I have one whopping huge setpiece of a scene and I didn’t even know it was a setpiece when I wrote it, but it is the gravitic center of the book that pulls the hero and heroine inexorably together and then changes them as the farce becomes reality. It’s also the thing all the subplots and minor characters orbit around.

Good stuff. And I see why the opening always bugged me. The first scene with Jason in the bar with the Lawrence twins and Sam is directly orbiting around the gravity well of the story’s center, but the opening with Cass? Not. Either I rewrite that in a big way or cut it and replace it with something that pulls directly into the story. Or maybe just open with Jason. There’s a lot in the beginning that’s too slow, too indirect, not spiraling into that setpiece. Now that I know I’m writing to a setpiece, I can go back and lay the groundwork for that throughout the first half of the book and build towards it.

This writing stuff, it is not for whimps. But the book that does not kill you makes you a stronger writer. Or drives you to eat a lot of chocolate cupcakes. Not that I do that. *brushes off chocolate crumbs*