I sent my agent something new yesterday. New as in new genre, totally different, if it sells I will be using a different name. Pretty excited about this venture! I plan to venture into another new direction in 07, also. More on that as I move forward, but essentially I see my diversification not as writing multiple genres so much as writing to different audiences from the same core. At heart, I am a fantasy writer. Romantic fantasy, erotic fantasy, and yes, Mom, fantasy for kids which would require the different name.

I wrote about erotic romance yesterday and while I love the genre, I also can see how easy it would be to get burned out doing nothing else. Not writing makes me nuts, so the answer for me isn’t to write fewer books but to find publishing homes for all the different kinds of stories I want to write.

So, aside from Secret Projects I don’t want to say much about until things solidify, I am finishing off my last contracted EC novella and working on the great Save Miss Lonely Hearts project. If you want some idea what that’s like, read Jennifer Crusie’s blog as she discusses saving You Again. I’m reading it and taking notes. She gives me hope that I can save this book. Every time I’m in despair and think, “this book can’t be saved” I come across some piece of it I love and honestly, I see why it almost sold to Bantam long ago. It has great potential. I just need to find that and bring it out and get rid of all the garbage muddying it up…

Which brings me to, “Hey, why hasn’t Miss Lonely Hearts released yet?” The answer is, it’s a mess. This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, mainly because I did such a good job of screwing it up to begin with. I have to find and take out all my mistakes, all the places I went wrong, all the places I ran off the rails and get it back on track. This book is the pefect example of how slapping a cover on some hot sex scenes does NOT create an erotic romance. Oh, if only that was all it took. I have all these characters and subplots running wild, and while that’s the beauty of this story, it’s also kind of why it’s a nightmare. PG Wodehouse can write a story like this and bring all the pieces together in a genius stroke. I’m missing some key piece that ties it all together. Must find the key.

And then I can drop it on my editor’s desk and it will be her problem, heh heh heh. Um, until the edits come back, but we shall not speak of that.

Since this is a caper story, I plan to revisit some of my favorite capers in a similar vein, like The Thomas Crowne Affair. If nothing else, it’ll prove to me that it can be done.