Jordan has news! If you haven’t congratulated her already, swing by and cheer.

Pixel-stained Technopeasant Day is April 23. I’m participating, being the firmly entrenched pixel-stained technopeasant that I am. My story will go live here on the blog and I’ll post a link to the other participants. Look for lots of great reads! I’ve already read one participating story and I can only say all political negotiation should be so fun.

The Fangs, Fur and Fey hook critique is underway. Recommended reading, very educational. There is a no flame, no cruelty policy, the goal is to help the unpublished participants learn to write better hooks. And since writing a query, blurb or synopsis is often the most difficult step for authors, we can all learn something from the posted critiques. I’m finding it helpful myself. The ones that work really stand out, and the break-down as to why one worked and another didn’t is very helpful.