The whale-watch hike was fun, and the husband and toddler took many pictures, but not of whales. The pod was at first beach while we were at second, and when we drove down, they’d moved on. But it was nice to hike the trail, and I’m once again impressed with the toddler’s ability with a camera.

After which, we had a discussion about the origins of the discovery that Diet Coke and Mentos will explode.

Me: Who came up with this? Somebody just decided to drop a Mentos into a Diet Coke one day?

Husband: Somebody had a Mentos in their mouth and then took a swig of Diet Coke.

Me: Why would anybody be eating a Mentos and drinking Diet Coke at the same time? Who would do that?

Husband *stares*: You’re not a guy. Trust me, that’s how it happened. And it was a guy.

Me: What?

Husband: Women think of Mentos as breath mints. Men just eat them. While drinking Diet Coke.

He’s probably right. You don’t see any women participating in the exploding Diet Coke and Mentos videos, do you?