Poetry Monday

It rains in Forks.
No, I mean it RAINS.
Sleet and rain, the beat of rain,
Twelve freaking feet of rain
Water rising in the river
(Mother Nature, she’s a giver)
You’ll find out dashing into stores
Or slogging along Pacific shores
It never rains in Forks.
It pours.

Yes, it rained all weekend, why do you ask? Ride the Monday Poetry train here.

A good re-read

I mentioned when I blogged Hunting the Demon that I’m reading a lot of nonfiction right now. I just re-read “Anybody Can Write” and remembered all over again why I kept it. There is so much good stuff in this short book, and it’s just as good for the beginning writer trying to find his/her voice as it is for the experienced writer. You might think that with 17 sales of novels and novellas, I wouldn’t be re-reading books on writing. You’d be wrong. No matter how much you write or how long you’re at it, I’m not sure you ever outgrow the need to be reminded of the basics and how to trust your voice.

I’ve copied this quote from the book onto my desktop:
“The fear of being wrong is the prime inhibitor of the creative process.” Roberta Jean Bryant

Yep. Fear and creativity do not play well together.

This book is apparently out of print, but there’s at least one copy to be found through Powell’s, a terrific source of used books. It’s well worth tracking down.

Be here now

It’s cold and dark and the kids are up WAY too early. I’ve been up longer than I’d like to on a Saturday morning in the summer, because I woke up with allergies and a stuffed head. And yet, this is a day of my life. I want to be here now, in this moment, in this day, and embrace what it has to offer. Starting with twelve cups of coffee, because, you know, it’s cold and dark and too early. But it crossed my mind as I staggered to the kitchen to warm up milk for the small people and brew coffee for the adults that this day and this morning did not have to suck just because of the way it started.

I can enjoy the warmth of my sweats and the hot coffee in my cup. I can look at the dragons on my desk, especially this one, and feel charmed and cheered. Dragons are here to remind me that it’s okay to go past the edge of the map and to believe in magic, both of which I believe are essential for good writing.

I can appreciate the fact that my hard drive didn’t clunk. I can be glad that I have two children so full of exuberant good health that they get up in the dark hours eager for experience and expression. I can appreciate my husband who is at his desk along with me, accepting that the day has started no matter how much we might miss the days when we could’ve rolled over and gone back to sleep until a more reasonable hour. Sometimes life isn’t very reasonable. But it’s life.

Whatever your day brings, I hope you live it fully. Be here now. Tomorrow it’ll be gone, except for the memories and the stored-up experiences you filled today with.