I’m re-reading Stephen King’s On Writing. Again. There’s always good stuff in there. Today I read that “stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, emotionally or creatively, is a bad idea.” Very timely since I am writing a book that is hard, both emotionally and creatively. We’re talking hard, hard, hard. But good.

This has been my year of very hard books, and I’m so tired. Miss Lonely Hearts and Satisfaction Guaranteed were also very hard to write, and now there’s this last book to finish and it’s the hardest of them all. I’ve actually analyzed why these books were so hard and I can see how to make life easier for myself in future, but meanwhile, the book. It is hard. It is also good, maybe the best I’ve written. And you know, it’s nice to know I’m in good company. If Carrie was hard for Stephen King, hey, it paid off. If nothing else, this book is paying off in lessons learned.

So. If anybody else Sweating with Sven is finding it hard going, you’re not alone. Sometimes it’s hard. That doesn’t mean we should quit.