1. Finish edits for Wicked Hot
2. Finish rewrite of first two chapters for Wicked Love
3. Write synopsis/get started on proposal for the next book in series since it is cluttering up my brain and WILL NOT SHUT UP even though it is not its turn
4. Find lost royalty statement. Between Thanksgiving and the Dec. 3rd hurricane, it went missing and I just now realized I never entered the numbers.
5. Bake
6. Clean house (maybe this should be further down the list…)
7. Finish Wicked Love
8. Celebrate Christmas!
9. Listen to lots of Christmas music and sing loudly while doing all the stuff on this list
10. Finish re-reading The Breakout Novel, apply workbook to Wicked Love
11. Stock up on coffee and chocolate to aid with all of the above; Christmas carols only go so far
12. Read Dear Santa, next on my romance read-a-thon
13. Put together mailing list for ARCs of Satisfaction Guaranteed and get ’em out the door (I’ve started this but I’m not done)

If I’m scarce, this is why! 😉