This entire week has been about the wall. Not a writing wall. Nope. Book is fine. In fact, my brain coughed up yet another book last night while I was sleeping, although it’s a romantic suspense, so maybe a tough sell. But a brain made to invent stories will keep on inventing them no matter what, so this is why I am awake with a new proposal in my head.

The wall is in the laundry room, a shared wall with the preschooler’s bedroom, and it has a dead valve where a live valve should be, hence water has been leaking into the wall from the pipe. We discovered this when we noticed that the carpet along the wall by the above-mentioned daughter’s bed was damp and went looking for the cause. This totally explains my ongoing asthma attack. Hello, mold. So, no laundry, water shut off, various people called, and then waiting for various people to appear to fix said problem.

The final fix is scheduled for this morning, and this afternoon we will hopefully be done with the wall.

It’s been kind of like that settling in post-move. Between the furnace, hot water heater and plumbing, really unless a meteor hits the roof nothing else can happen, so we should be good to go with the house now. But TGIF, people. I am so done with the week of the wall.

Now I’ll just go write down this new idea I dreamed. Because you never know when somebody might want a sexy romantic suspense.