I’m coming up to the halfway point on revisions. There are a couple of things I’m going back to; I have learned that if I need to think about something, I just flag it with a note and move on. Otherwise, it’s too easy to bog down. Better to keep moving forward and do all the easy stuff. I’ll end up coming back to my flagged scenes, and then doing a final check to make sure I got everything.

Revision uses different mental muscles. There are all those threads to keep track of for continuity. I’m not really changing anything, just deepening, so continuity won’t be much of an issue, but I still have to watch what I’m doing. It’s easy to start making mistakes with this kind of work, so I take lots of breaks and I stop when my brain is tired. And Word’s track changes feature can be a life-saver. You can go back and reject a change if it’s screwed up and do it over.
