1. My crockpot. I love being able to put together the meal hours ahead of time, turn it on, and walk away.

2. My bread machine. This was a Christmas present years ago (thanks, Mom!) and like the crockpot, you put the ingredients in, turn it on, and walk away.

3. Swiffer extendable handle duster. Makes cleaning high, hard to reach places and weird angles easy. Even dusting the ceiling fan! Anything that speeds up dusting is my friend.

4. Shopping in bulk. We became Costco shoppers when we became a family of 4. You save time and money by buying your staples in quantity. (Shop less often, get economies of scale.)

5. Junk mail controls on email client. A fraction of the email I get is “real”. The rest, thanks to filters, goes right into the junk folder and empties itself every so often. I was wasting probably half an hour a day manually deleting the crap.

6. Mollum on my blog. It eats spam comments like the Cookie Monster eats cookies. (Or used to, before he tragically became the Veggie Monster. Poor Cookie.) Again, you would not believe the time this task used to suck up.

7. Drupal. I kiss Drupal’s feet after some of the other content management systems I’ve tangled with. Oh, Drupal, I love you more than Swiffer. Because let’s face it, I update my website more often than I dust. Way more often.

8. Getting rid of everything in my closet that didn’t fit. Need to go out in public and pretend I don’t live in sweats? No more frustrating time spent trying to figure out what fits. It all fits. Yes, I embraced the reality that I have 2 kids and will never be a size 6 again. Also ditched the pre-baby shirts that will never again button over the post-baby cleavage. I cleave. Oh, how I cleave.

9. Buying only a few things that mix and match. Not only does it all fit, it all goes together. Geranimals for grownups.

10. Getting rid of mysterious utensils that jammed up the drawer and I had no idea how to use. I mean, other than summoning Annoia*, what were they for?

*See Terry Pratchett, Discworld