Last August when the brick and mortar school thing was a clear no-go, life went from “la la la, kid in school half time, other kid ready for pre-school” to “holy crap, home-schooling for both, now how do I juggle?”

Well, the answer has been that some things had to go. I had already dropped my volunteer commitment to NINC because it was a much bigger time commitment than I’d expected. I dropped my Romancing the Blog column. I dropped Wicked Writers. I am streamlining to focus on what I do here on this site, and I’ll also be involved in another group blog in the new year that will be a pretty light commitment that lets me try something different.

I’m not making big plans to do much outside of home, family, and writing. I can’t. Over time that will shift, but for now, I am needed here. And I need to write or my brain will explode. So those are the priorities.

Basically, it’s time to focus on the priorities and keep life simple.

Also, figure out how to satisfy the five year old’s desire to understand “how people get made” without using words like “blastocyst”. Which I’ve already screwed up on. I can’t help it, it came out. I also said, “allele”. My kids will be traumatized at this rate.