It’s that time of year when dues renewal notices appear from writer’s organizations, and I ask myself if I’m going to renew. I have joined and dropped RWA so many times I’ve lost count. I joined NINC, but am pondering renewing there, too. Because I’m not currently an “active” member anywhere. I can’t be.

Being an active member means writing articles, volunteering, doing workshops. And you know, I’ve done all that in the past, and I simply cannot fit it in to my current day that includes writing, doing school, keeping kids busy, picking up work from the husband’s business, keeping the house clean, laundry caught up, everybody fed, and making sure the cats don’t go into a decline from seeing The Bottom of The Food Dish.

And then I find myself wondering if it’s worth it to pay the membership fee when I don’t have time to read the newsletters, participate in online groups, go to conventions, etc. And thinking of all the other things I could do with the money instead.

And most of all, thinking about this: I didn’t become a writer because I was good at conformity, and the overwhelming message I get from writer’s groups is about conforming. Be good. Do what you’re told. Do what everybody else is doing. Shut up, don’t complain, be grateful you have a contract at all.

I’m tired of this message. I’m tired of paying money I could have spent on books to be told what I already know, or what I might see the point in but know I cannot apply. So this year, I’m not doing it. I have enough on my plate, trying to figure out who I am as a writer now and what books speak to me without the clamor of other voices. I want to listen to the still, small voice and see what it has to tell me. I think it’ll be interesting, and it won’t cost $200.