I’m rereading The War of Art, specifically the last section which deals with the fact that yes, writing has a woo woo factor. I read a review of this book which said that basically up until this point it was a good book; I’m guessing that writer has not yet been slammed up against the woo woo wall.

You can call it the muse, angels, the shadow, the collective unconscious, any term that works for you, but the bottom line is, writing has a side that tells us it is not ours. It is there for us to use, but it doesn’t belong to us, it isn’t there to make us rich or satisfy our egos, and we forget that at our peril. Forget it, and prepare to be slammed up against the woo woo wall.

I’m also working on a story I love madly and spent yesterday working out the math on the pacing and structure. Just because I believe in woo woo doesn’t mean I don’t believe in structure. The three act structure makes all the pieces fall into place. More writing ahead today.