Today’s walk had crunchy new-fallen snow underfoot. I love that sound, especially when there’s just enough of it to make footprints but not so deep it’s work to keep moving. We walked along the river, and listened to the sound of rushing water and the world felt alive and still at the same time. Winter is deceptive. It doesn’t look like much is happening on the surface, but deep under the ground, roots are ready to send up new growth as the days lengthen. We are just about to turn the corner towards spring.

Creative work is very much like this. There are incubation periods where it doesn’t look like anything is happening, but under the stillness is the living thing getting ready to shoot up and out. It’s good to remember that when it feels like progress is so slow it’s nonexistant.

Book d’jour: Now reading The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. My husband picked this book up a couple of years ago, and I glanced at it but didn’t really read it. I had a pile of reading of my own plus the never-ending work. I’m glad I’m reading it now, though. I’m at a point where I need to dramatically change my work habits because with the changes in my life (like adding home schooling) I have to approach things differently and maximize my results. So far, very good reading.