It’s Monday and many balls are in the air. I’m about to finish a bunch of proposals. Waiting to hear back on some things. And kind of pleasantly surprised to be hearing from so many readers about Animal Attraction. I always get reader feedback, but not usually so much of it. So thank you.

The virtual school year is winding down, and I have a much better feel now for how much time and energy is involved and know how to plan my schedule around school. We’ve all made a lot of adjustments in the last year, and the commitment I made to doing this with the kids has really paid off in all sorts of ways. Next year will be a lot easier; the second half of this school year is already vastly easier than the first.

I’m taking advantage of the spring break to get a lot of writing underway (along with cleaning out closets) and the kids are going outside to run and play, and I can already tell this week is going to go by too fast. Which is why I’m planning now to do the things I care about getting done.

What’s on your weekly list?