PBW is blowing percussion-grenade sized holes in myths about NYT bestseller stats. Take a look for an education on the numbers. There are so many persistant myths and misconceptions about writers. The idea that NYT bestsellers all make a million dollars (or at least six figures) is among them. The reality is a bit different. Of course, beyond that is the myth that ALL published authors are NYT bestsellers and making a million dollars, hahahaha.

The truth is you can make a steady income at this gig if you work hard and are prolific, but many working authors aren’t big names, aren’t on the NYT list, and have long ago learned that even if they DO get a six figure deal, it’ll be paid out over the course of two years or more and half of it will go to taxes, agent fees and business expenses. What you end up getting to live on is why so many don’t quit their day jobs. 

The other myth is that Real Writers live in NY. Ha. If you want to write, find the place with the lowest cost of living that you can and move there. (Hint: not NY)

There are many reasons to write besides the pursuit of fabulous wealth, though, starting with the pursuit of a pretty fabulous life. Yes, I worked Easter weekend and I’m working this weekend. I also have the flexibility to be a very involved mom, work from home instead of sitting in a cubicle for eight hours after a two hour commute, and work with some of the best people on the planet. People who go into the book busines are amazing people. Creative, smart, dedicated, passionate, generous, insightful. 

This is a great job. It’s the only job I want, the only one I ever wanted. It’s not likely to ever make me fabulously wealthy, but wealth is more than a bank account. There’s a wealth of experience to be lived, a wealth of satisfaction in doing something you love and find meaningful.