Lots of big publishing news lately. Sometimes it’s hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other when it seems like navigating the world of publishing is walking on quicksand. And I think the answer to that is to remember that writing is separate from publishing. Writing rights things, as Julia Cameron wrote in The Artist’s Way.

I’m not in charge of publishing, but I’m in charge of this book, these contracted projects. I’m in charge of sitting down to write, even when it’s hard and it sucks and the words won’t come, or they come as tangled as if I had aphasia. I’m a writer, so I write. I write when it’s easy, when it’s hard, when it’s fun, when it’s not fun, when I wonder why I’m struggling to create a consistent world with a coherent story instead of watching SpongeBob Squarepants. 

Writers write. One word after another, one foot in front of the other. You can walk across your whole fictional world that way, and nobody can turn it to quicksand.