Oh noes! Holiday break is coming. How do you NaNo on?

1. Stock up on videos in case of bad weather.

2. Pray for good weather.

3. Stock up on distractions like Playdoh and coloring books for small peopl, or make inexpensive additions to renew interest in old toys; some new legos, new Barbie outfit, etc.

4. Plan some projects, like a nature walk around the neighborhood to see what kinds of trees, birds, etc. are in the neighborhood. They can take pictures, write, or draw about what they see. Green Hour has lots of suggestions getting to know the outdoors.

5. Pray for snow. Send kids out to make snowmen. Make snow cream.

6. Let your mad scientists explore the possibilities of kitchen science.

7. Bribe them to do household chores. Keeps them busy and buys you more time to write.

8. Pay older kids next door to babysit. They’re home on break, too.

9. Get up earlier and stay up later to write. 

10. Bump up word count ahead of and after the break to compensate.

And every once in a while, just ditch work and go play. Eat some turkey, hug the people you love, and be grateful for them.