Something I learned last year in a fabulous writing class by Barbara O’Neal is that once you start publishing, you still need to make time to write just for yourself.

When it’s not work, when it’s not for anybody else, when what you do doesn’t matter, you go back to the same sense of freedom and possibility you had before you published. You have a safe place to fail. You can experiment, you can write a sex scene in iambic pentameter, you can use a rhythmic pattern based on the Fibonacci sequence, you can put all the dialog in haiku, you can use the point of view of a chandelier. You can experiment wildly and fail spectacularly and it’s okay. It’s a safe place to play and dream and try new things.

When you start publishing, it’s easy to lose that sense of freedom and the willingness to fail. You start to play it safe. You want to please everybody. You want to get the writing RIGHT and forget that sometimes right isn’t the point. It’s only when you’re willing to fail and write with that sense of freedom and safety that you can do something that might really succeed. And that carries over into the work that’s published.

What have you written just for yourself lately?