We’re having a snow day. The schools didn’t close for the blizzard or the -9F temperature plunge, but today they’re closed due to the sheer quantity of snow the skies dumped on us. The husband’s gone off to work after wielding the snowblower to clear the driveway; main streets are plowed, but side streets will be a mess.

Kids are curled up on the heater vent watching PBS Kids. I’ve got my ms. open. This is one of those days when I’m glad for fast draft tips; no excuses writing. Snow day is not an excuse. It may not be my best day, but if I keep coming back for a sentence here, a paragraph there, it’ll add up bit by bit. I have in the past managed a full 20 pages this way, but the kids were smaller then and still took naps. Still, any words are better than none. And I’d rather be home typing than going to an outside job in this snow.

Editing to add this comic I made:
Characters audition for Adventure Lover